Miratel joins Meatless Monday to Improve Personal and Planetary Health

Miratel is delighted to announce that we are officially registered to participate in the Meatless Monday campaign.  Meatless Monday is a non-profit initiative associated with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.  Every Monday we will post a tasty vegetarian recipe or updates on the Meatless Monday program.  So let’s explore exactly what it means to join the Meatless Monday movement.

Pasta with Tomato sauce

Pasta with Tomato sauce

Meatless Monday is part of an eco-friendly global movement to reduce consumption of animal products with alternative plant-based meals to combat global warming and help improve personal health.  The concept was inspired by history when Presidents Wilson, Truman and Roosevelt encouraged voluntary meatless days during both world wars.  Simple lifestyle changes like this will not only improve personal health but also the long-term health and sustainability of the planet.  Countries pledging their commitment include U.S.A., Britain, Brazil, Canada, Finland, Holland and Taiwan.

Why meatless?  Well our friends at MeatlessMonday.com explain the perks.  The health benefits: reducing the risk of heart disease, maintaining a healthy weight, and improving the overall quality of diet plus the environmental benefits:  reducing your carbon footprint, minimizing water usage and helping to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.  You can read more about it here.  If the end result is improved personal and planetary health, the choice is simple.  The sacrifice?  No meat one day per week.  For you protein-lovers, there are plenty of foods high in protein that are meat-free like beans, nuts and seeds (cheese, milk and eggs if you’re not a vegan).  How about good old-fashioned peanut butter?  Tasty, meatless and high in protein.

To join the movement, participants pledge online and encourage those around them (including local restaurants) to go vegetarian on Mondays.  Go to the Meatless Monday site in your country or you can go to MeatlessMonday.com.

Meatless Monday is one of those green living/personal welfare choices that is easy to make.  It costs you nothing but a little change in diet.  Not eating meat every Monday is a classic example of small sacrifice, huge reward.  Pledge your allegiance and join us in the fight to combat climate change at MeatlessMonday.com.  Your body and Mother Earth will thank you for it.  Stay tuned as Miratel posts weekly vegetarian recipes and updates on the Meatless Monday campaign.

2 responses to “Miratel joins Meatless Monday to Improve Personal and Planetary Health”

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  2. Meatless Mondays, part 2 | Liberation BC blog says:

    […] Miratel Solutions, a call centre firm in Toronto, joined the Meatless Mondays campaign by introducing a meat-free day in its worksite cafeteria. (link) […]

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